There are many ways to join with us on the Pegasus journey.
1. Become a Pegasus Mustang patron.
This is an opportunity to directly pay Taylor Randall-Schwebke (or another trainer partnering with Pegasus) all or some costs to feed, house and train a Pegasus Mustang from scratch. From sitting in on phone calls as we determine which horse to select and train, to receiving the newest training videos and photos, to visiting with Pegasus Trainers so you can meet the newest Pegasus Mustang in person, a patron can become intimately involved or remain a quiet but integral background supporter. Contact Terry for more information on how to make a pledge to support a Pegasus Mustang. (Please note that the decision about which horse to select and when the horse is ready to go for sale are the exclusive rights of Pegasus: One Mustang at a Time).
2. Hold an in person or virtual house party or a video watch party.
If socializing is your thing, gather a group of your closest horse buddies for an evening of hope and inspiration. Any admission you charge will go directly towards the training and upkeep of our current Pegasus Mustang.
3. Train a Pegasus Mustang.
Contact Terry for how to get involved and what qualifications are necessary in order to become a Pegasus Trainer.
4. Share our journey with others.
Like us on Facebook and share our website with your friends and family.
5. Reach out.
Share some of your own thoughts and ideas for our process.